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I forgot about that website abby! Thanks for the tip but it made want a bunch more things... grid craft paper tape? I think that is a need.

I love those tapes! You have enough to tape stripes on a wall.

i love that tape and kinokuniya! i buy the tape, but won't use it. i also buy japanese craft books from all of those sources, but can't read them. i just love the styling and try to figure out the instructions the best i can.

now, i'm addicted to fog linen works. their new book 'around fog linen' features people like mav, lena corwin and lotta using their products - http://www.foglinenwork.com/catalogue_en2010.php. it was really easy to order all the way from japan, too. love your photos!

So great, I have just discovered a few Japanese blogs, just posted some pics from one on mine.

Thank you Abby for mentioning my shop uguisu!
How delightful!!!!

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