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SO COOL!! Thanks for this rad tutorial, Kenz, these are great! I love the MS screw punch, it's indispensable!

cute idea!

Ok. Those coasters are super cute, but that glass is gorgeous!

great tutorial! I think I would get really punchy with that punch.

These are so cute! What a lovely idea. Thank you for sharing the tutorial as well, I'll be sharing it with my readers as well:)

a wonderful & unique tutorial! And I love the glass, too -- where's it from?

Very cute and simple to make! Thanks for the tutorial :D

I loved! tank you to share with us! kisses,
Telma, Brazil (coisasbacanasdatelma.blogspot.com)

these are very stylish coasters. i also love the tool you've used.

If you can include my nominees and link to my blog--great! Feel better!

Really nice... just a simple thing that make it wonderful to use.

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