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ha! excellent lessons.

oh, i love this post so much. breakfast at tiffanys really is the best damn movie ever.

i was going to watch this with my boyfriend a few days ago, but we ended up watching mad men instead. definitely one of my favorite films. and she is so stylish!

i've just commented on your other blog, but had to say, i have NEVER seen breakfast at tiffany's. i am leaving the coffee shop right this second and going to blockbuster.
thanks for the inspiration. and watch anklet? that's awesome.

oh yes oh yes !
and may i add : the party with the ankle watch and everything....best party ever !! for years and years it has been my ideal dream party.
oh i have to watch it soon !!

I absolutely love this post! In fact....I may have to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's today because of it. *grin*

8. The five and dime used to be WAY cooler

For real! Now it's a DOLLAR, and there aren't even any cute little masks to steal.

Swoon! Fantabulous round-up Abby.

I agree. Fabulous film! Last night I wrote some notes, perhaps tonight I'll practice my guitar (if only I had a fire escape) with big hair and a sweatshirt, wearing my ankle watch.

I adore this movie except for how it always makes me want to have those teeny little bangs that look awful on me ;)

a wonderful list :)

perfect. such a good list!

SO CUTE, i LOVE this!!!!

LOVE this! One of my all-time favorites!

I've probably seen the movie 20 times, and never noticed that fluffy pink cake!

A favorite movie of mine! I love your little tid bits of info from the movie. Great!

...and now you are my favorite.

Isn't this movie just delightful? Thanks for stirring up memories and motivating me to put the movie in my Netflix picks.

inspriational indeed!
beautiful film stills.
love them all.
note to self: how have i lived 32 years without seeing this film.
naughty me.

Discovered this film aged 12 one rainy sunday afternoon and have adored it ever since. How did i miss the ankle watch though!!? Gotta get one now!

Love this post! I think an Audrey Hepburn movie marathon is in order today.

Great post. I adore this movie.

How cool are you! Breakfast at Tiffany's is my all-time-favorite film + I just love your list {and photos} of inspiration.

Happy weekend!


Fantastic post - I think one of the reasons this movie is so iconic is because the style is so timeless and classic.

I love Miss Hepburn!! Especially as Holly Golightly! Fun things you came up with, so true about the notes.. It's such a fun yet simpel gesture!

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